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BioLINK 2005




BioLINK SIG: Linking Literature, Information and Knowledge for Biology

A Joint Meeting of
The ISMB BioLINK Special Interest Group on Text Data Mining and
The ACL Workshop on Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies and Databases: Mining Biological Semantics

In association with ISMB 2005, Detroit, Michigan

Friday, June 24, 2005

 The BioLINK meeting focuses on resources and tools for biomedical text mining. It is interdisciplinary in nature, and brings researchers applying natural language processing, text mining, information extraction and retrieval in the biomedical domain, together with scientists from bioinformatics and biology.

 The meeting will include invited talks, presentations of long and short contributed papers, as well as a poster session. It will cover a variety of topics ranging from evaluation methods and corpora to specific text mining tasks such as curation assistance and lab-assistance tools.

 To register for the BioLINK meeting, please use the ISMB'05 registration form.
 Note that registration for the BioLINK workshop does not require registration for the ISMB conference.
















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