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BioLINK 2005

Call For Participation



 Call for Papers:
 Linking  Literature, Information and Knowledge for Biology
 Special Interest Group on Text Mining
 In association with ISMB 2005, Detroit, Michigan

 The BioLINK SIG will take place on June 24, 2005, from 8:30am-6:00pm.
 See http://www.cs.queensu.ca/biolink05/ for details and updates.

 The meeting will focus on resources and tools for biomedical text mining. It will be interdisciplinary in nature, and   bring researchers applying natural language processing, text mining, information extraction and retrieval in the  biomedical domain, together with scientists from bioinformatics and biology.  

 We solicit submissions from researchers working on all aspects of text-mining as they apply to bioinformatics and  bio-medicine.  

 Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
 - the role of ontologies and knowledge bases
 - knowledge representation
 - testing and evaluation
 - test suites for biomedical language processing systems
 - entity identification and normalization
 - information extraction
 - information retrieval
 - corpus construction efforts
 - visualization

 The SIG provides an informal forum for presentation and discussion of current research in the field. The program will  include presentations of full-length as well as of short papers, posters and invited talks.

 We are inviting submission in three categories:

1)    full papers (6-8 pages)

2)    short papers (2-4 pages)

3)    poster abstracts (up to 1 page).

 Submissions, in PDF or MS word, should be sent, by the dates specified below, to: biolink05@cs.queensu.ca

 Authors should indicate the category for which their paper is to be considered (full paper, short paper or poster), and whether they would like their work to be considered for an oral presentation.

 We have proposed to make this a joint workshop with the Annual Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL)  Meeting, to be held in Ann Arbor, June 25-30.  The workshop's date and place will remain unchanged (June 24, at  ISMB in Detroit). If ACL accepts the proposal, we will announce this as soon as we are notified in late February. In  anticipation of this, we have set up the reviewing process and paper deadlines to accommodate schedules from  both conferences.

 Important Dates:

 March 11: Full papers (6-8 pages) due
 March 28: Short papers (2-4 pages) due
 April 22: Poster abstracts (1 page) due
 April 22: Notification to authors
 May 15: Final version due 

 To register for BioLINK SIG, use the ISMB'05 registration form (http://www.iscb.org/ismb2005/reg.html).  

 Program Chairs:
 Christian Blaschke, Bioalma, Spain
 Hagit Shatkay, Queen's University, Canada
 Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, U. of Colorado, USA
 Lynette Hirschman, MITRE, USA

 Contact and submission email: biolink05@cs.queensu.ca








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