- The two activities in blue are expanded using their own activity diagrams on the following pages.
- Just as in use cases, there is no quick rule about how much detail to include. For opening and saving quizzes, I chose to include what I consider normal cases, such as the user cancelling. I did not choose to include error cases, such as what happens if the file doesn't exist or is not in the correct format. You want enough detail about common cases to give the reader a picture of what the program will do, without so much detail that it clutters up the diagram and makes it unreadable. You could justify leaving out the "cancel" option, but I think it was important to include prompting for file names as separate steps, since this will involve a separate dialog.
- This activity diagram is about editing a single question. The question was already chosen before we got here.
- For the activities beginning "edit" (i.e. "edit question text"), the item to be edited will be shown in a text field and the user can change it.
- Some options (add/delete/edit choice) apply only to multiple choice questions. These will be disabled or hidden for other question types.