CISC 850 Will start on Thursday January 9th - There will be no class on Tuesday January 7th                

This course provides an overview of the main foundations for systems biology including cell biology, mathematics and experimental approaches. It visits computational models, machine learning approaches, and various modeling concepts and their application. Finally, it provides a perspective on publicly available tools and databases and their integration with computational approaches, an essential part of systems biology.

An undergraduate level understanding of statistics, and familiarity with linear algebra, artificial intelligence and biology would be valuable for the course.  If you are keen on taking the course and  do not have all the above pre-requisites you can contact the instructor for permission to participate.

Breadth Requirements: For Students in the PhD program of the School of Computing, this course counts as an "application".

Regular updates and discussions on the course material will be through Moodle.

COPYRIGHT: “The material on this website is copyrighted and is for the sole use of students registered in this course. The material on this website may be downloaded for a registered student’s personal use, but shall not be distributed or disseminated to anyone other than students registered in the course. Failure to abide by these conditions is a breach of copyright, and may also constitute a breach of academic integrity under the University Senate’s Academic Integrity Policy Statement.”

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