Lecture 7

Summary of root finding methods

Today we summarized our look at root finding algorithms. We compared the methods and found advantages and disadvantages for each one. We briefly looked at a hybrid method that combined favourable qualities of the bisection and secant methods. I mentioned that this hybrid method is similar to the the MATLAB fzero method that finds roots of functions. You can read about this in our text book.

I concluded the lecture by demonstrating some of the ideas using MATLAB. I was asked to post these MATLAB mfiles.
This is a zip file that contains all of the files that I used in my demonstrations today.

Readings for our treatment of root finding are: Ellis notes classes 5 and 6. You can skip classes 7 and 8.
In our text NMM you should read all of chapter 6 except section 6.2. I did not cover section 6.2, so you can either skip it entirely or read it if you are interested.

On Thursday I will go over last year's first quiz and answer any questions that you may have. If there is time we will proceed to the next topic where we look at some linear algebra. On Friday we write quiz 1.

Posted: Tue - September 28, 2004 at 11:30 AM        
