Fall 2006

Here is a small collection of tutorials, interesting papers, index pages etc. on fuzzy theory.  I have not read all of these (yet).  Some may be different versions of the same document, found on different sites and not yet weeded out.

In attempting to classify these documents, I naturally came face to face with the fuzziness of  any such categorization.  It might be an interesting class exercise if we could collectively assign membership values for each of these (and the new ones that we will find and add to the list) in the fuzzy sets.  So far the fuzzy sets are Introductory Tutorial Material, Advanced Tutorial Material, Index Pages, Theory, Applications, Historical Interest and Biographical.  Thus, for each document, we would want a vector of values indicating the document's membership in each of these sets.  Contributions to this exercise are welcome - for each of these that you read, please send me your evaluation of how much it belongs to each set.  For the present, I will make a quite arbitrary assignment of each document to a single set (i.e. an entropy 0 assignment).

Also, you are encouraged (that is, expected) to recommend new links to add to this page.

Introductory Tutorial Material
Wolfram Fuzzy Logic Table of Contents
FAQ: Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems 1/1 [Monthly posting]
Fuzzy Logic Tutorial - An Introduction
Fuzzy logic jump start.
Fuzzy Logic
afnn15_fuzzylogic.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Fundamentals.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Entropy and Conditioning
Fuzzy logic tutorial.
Generalized modus ponens
nfs1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs2.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs3.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs4.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs5.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Advanced Tutorial Material
nfs6.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs7.pdf (application/pdf Object)
A note on the relationship between fuzzy logic and four-valued logic
afnn16_fuzzysystem.pdf (application/pdf Object)
lm92.pdf (application/pdf Object)
fsta2006-behounek-cintula.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Index Pages

Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic Archive
Fuzzy Logic
PC AI - Fuzzy Logic

afnn20_fuzzycontrol.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy CA - Mingarelli.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Causality.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy model of reputation.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Linguistic Fuzzy-Logic Game Theory -- Arfi 50 (1): 28 -- Journal of Conflict Resolution
LINZ2006Abstracts.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nafips_gras_spagnolo_232 (application/pdf Object)

Fuzzy CA - Sigan, Jack.pdf (application/pdf Object)
fuzzy consensus 1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Group Agreement_VandeWalleTuroffPaper.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz - Hagenberg
Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz - Hagenberg
fuzzy-subsethood-based-color.pdf (application/pdf Object)
generation5 - Falcon: Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Control Network

Historical Interest and Biographical
Bart Kosko
Robert Fullér
BISC Program; Soft Computing
ISIS Lab, Evolution