Dr. Kamrul Islam is a NSERC IRDF postdoctoral fellow. He has also been selected for NSERC Visiting Fellowship. Currently he is doing postdoc in the School of Computing at Queen's University, Canada. He obtained his PhD and Master's degree in Computer Science in April, 2010 and May 2005 respectively, from Queen's University under the supervision of Prof. Selim G. Akl and Prof. Henk Meijer. He belongs to the Parallel and Unconventional Computation Group.
Dr. Islam's interest lies in the area of distributed and local algorithms, wireless sensor networks and applications of computational geometric and graph theoretic techniques/results to the numerous problems in networks. Currently his research focuses on designing, developing and analyzing energy-efficient algorithms for specific problems related with routing, monitoring, broadcasting, and clustering in wireless sensor networks. As energy is of paramount importance in wireless sensors networks, he aims to find energy-efficient distributed solutions for these problems so that the energy consumption in the network is minimized.
As research in wireless sensor networks combines techniques, methods, and results from various disciplines of Computer Science and Mathematics, Dr. Kamrul is also interested in related fields such as computational geometry, graph theory, distributed and localized computing, computational complexity, adhoc/sensor network routing (modeling, simulation), probability and statistics and other areas of applied mathematics. He is also very enthusiastic in collaborative projects to explore the algorithmic and system aspects between the intersection of sensor networks and other disciplines of Computer Science such as medical, bioinformatics, robotics, and so on.
NSERC Visiting Fellowship, VF (46,000 CAD/year for 3 years), 2010
OGSST (Ontario Goverment Scholarship, Science and Technology), Ontario Government, 2008-2009.
Queen's Discretionary Conference Award, Queen's University, 2007-2008
Queen's Graduate Awards (QGA), Queen's University, 2007-2008
Nortel Fellowship, Nortel Canada, 2006-2007
Queen's Discretionary Conference Award, Queen's University, 2006-2007
Queen's Graduate Awards (QGA), Queen's University, 2006-2007
Queen's Tuition Bursary, Queen's University, 2003-2007
Queen's General Bursary, Queen's University, 2003-2006
Organizing Committee: 18th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG), August 14-16, 2006, held in Kingston, Canada.
CISC-124, Introduction to Computer science II.
CISC-203, Discrete Mathematics for Computing Science.
CISC-220, System-Level Programming.
CISC-324, Operating Systems for Computing Science.
CISC-365, Algorithms I for Computing Science.
CISC-466, Algorithms II for Computing Science.
Reviewer of Information Processing Letters (IPL), Journal, (2008-09)
Reviewer of IEEE Globecom, Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium (GlobeCom' 2008-09)
Reviewer of International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM' 2008)
Reviewer of Sensor Technologies and Applications Conference (SENSORCOMM' 2008)
Served as Lecturer at Computer Science and Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh for more than six years.
Part-time Faculty Member of KUET (Khulna University of Engineering and Technology), Khulna, Bangladesh and conducted a course of Probability and Queuing Theory.
Part-time Faculty Member of BOU (Bangladesh Open University), and conducted courses of Computer Programming, Operating System, Computer Networks,and Visual Basics.
Examiner of National University for several courses and practical works.
Phone: 613-533-6000 ex- 74671
Fax: (613) 533-6513
Email: islam at cs dot queensu dot ca
Webpage: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~islam