Workshop on Link Analysis, Counterterrorism and Security
(Adversarial Data Analysis)
Call for Papers

2nd May, 2009
John Ascuaga's Nugget Casino Resort
Sparks, Nevada
at the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: December 31st, 2008 (but we will accept submissions for a few more days; please let Antonio know of your intention)
Notification of acceptance: January 30th, 2009
Camera ready copy due: mid-February, 2009

Workshop Co-chairs:

David Skillicorn
School of Computing
Queen’s University
Kingston Canada
skill at

Antonio Badia
Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science
University of Louisville
abadia at


Invited Speaker: Hans Chalupsky, ISI.

Program Committee:

and possibly others.


This workshop is the sixth workshop on this topic at the SIAM International Data Mining Conference. The workshop attracts a mixture of academics, and security and law-enforcement and counterterrorism practitioners.

The workshop provides a venue in which to present early work in relevant areas. An online proceedings will be created, and hardcopy proceedings will be available to conference attendees (and through SIAM afterwards). However, authors may retain copyright.

Industrial organizations with products that are suitable for analyzing large datasets may also wish to participate, either directly in the workshop or in an industrial track in the main conference.

Topics of Interest:

The focus of the workshop is adversarial data analysis, in settings where there are adversaries with an interest in disrupting or manipulating the process for their own advantage. This includes law enforcement, money laundering, and counterterrorism settings, but also more commonplace settings where there is an advantage to be gained by manipulating data analysis, for example customer relationship management.

Particular topics that have been discussed at previous workshops include:

Papers on any of these issues, and related topics, are welcome provided that their primary focus is on the adversarial aspect of the modelling.

The workshop is an integral part of the SIAM International Data Mining Conference, which takes place from 30th April - 2nd May 2008, and no separate registration is required. (One-day registration is possible for those who only wish to attend the workshop.)

Submission Information

Submit by email to abadia at louisville dot edu please. It would be helpful if you could name your attached file in a way that includes the name of one of the authors.

See the main conf erence web page for details of format (Paper Submission Instructions para, but do not submit to the main conference site), but no need to get formats precisely right for initial submissions. Please limit your paper to 10 pages.