import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; /******************************************************* ********GRAVE(GRAphics Viewer for Everywhere)********** ******************************************************* *Public Class Grave written by Jeb Thorley Aug. 2000 *Grave is a simple platform independent viewer *capable of displaying gif, jpeg and bitmap *files. Viewer requires FileMenuControl.class to control *its file menu, and utils.class to open bitmaps. The *loadbitmap method in utils.class was originally written *by Jeff West and published at * ******************************************************/ public class Grave extends JFrame{ private static JLabel label1; private static Box layoutBox = Box.createVerticalBox(); private final static JFrame resultFrame = new JFrame("GRAVE (GRAphics Viewer for Everywhere)"); private static Container contentPane = resultFrame.getContentPane(); private static JScrollPane imageScroller; public static void main(String[] args){ //Check to make sure the correct number of arguments were supplied to Viewer. //Exit and give the user feedback if they were not. if(args.length!=0&&args.length!=1 && args.length!=2){ System.out.println("Usage: Viewer directory filename OR Viewer filename"); System.exit(1); } //initialize label1, and load first image if one is provided. ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(); if(args.length==0){ label1 = new JLabel(); } else if(args.length ==1){ ic = openFile(args[0]); label1 = new JLabel(ic); } else if(args.length == 2){ ic = openFile(args[0],args[1]); label1 = new JLabel(ic); } //Set resultFrame's size resultFrame.setSize(600,400); //Make Viewer let go of its resources and relinquish control if //its window is closed. resultFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ resultFrame.dispose(); System.exit(0); } }); /***************Create Menu*********************/ JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); resultFrame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); FileMenuControl fmc = new FileMenuControl(resultFrame); //Add File Heading to menu JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); //Add options under File JMenuItem Open = new JMenuItem("Open..."); Open.addActionListener(fmc); fileMenu.add(Open); fileMenu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem quit = new JMenuItem("Exit"); quit.addActionListener(fmc); fileMenu.add(quit); menuBar.add(fileMenu); /**********************************************/ /**Create a Scrollable area in which to display the image**/ imageScroller = new JScrollPane(label1); imageScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(580,380)); imageScroller.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(580,380)); /******************************************************/ //Add the scrollable are to the layout box layoutBox.add(imageScroller); //display the layout box contentPane.add(layoutBox); //show the JFrame; } /***************************************************** *openFile returns an ImageIcon representation of a graphics *file. It has been overloaded, so it may take one, or two *input parameters. If supplied with a single string, the string *should be the name of the file to opened. If supplied with two *arguments, they should be the path to the file, and the file *name, respectively. ****************************************************/ public static ImageIcon openFile(String dir, String filename){ //File f is used only to get the file separator string. This //is done to ensure platform independence. File f = new File(filename); String s = f.separator; if(dir.endsWith(s)!=true){ dir = dir+s; } Image i; ImageIcon oic = new ImageIcon(); if(filename.endsWith(".gif")||filename.endsWith(".jpg")||filename.endsWith(".jpeg")){ i=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(dir+filename); oic = new ImageIcon(i); } else if(filename.endsWith(".bmp")){ i = utils.loadbitmap(dir,filename); oic = new ImageIcon(i); } else{ System.out.println("Unable to open " + filename+". File must end in bmp, gif, jpg or jpeg."); System.exit(1); } return oic; } public static ImageIcon openFile(String filename){ Image i; ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(); if(filename.endsWith(".gif")||filename.endsWith(".jpg")||filename.endsWith(".jpeg")){ i=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(filename); ic = new ImageIcon(i); } else if(filename.endsWith(".bmp")){ i = utils.loadbitmap("./",filename); ic = new ImageIcon(i); } else{ System.out.println("Unable to open " + filename+". File must end in bmp, gif, jpg or jpeg."); System.exit(1); } return ic; } /************************************************** *showNew is a public method to update the image displayed *in Viewer. It takes the the ImageIcon that is to replace *the current image as a parameter. **************************************************/ public static void showNew(ImageIcon newIcon){ //Remove everything from each level of container. //This seems to be required to have changes show. contentPane.removeAll(); layoutBox.removeAll(); imageScroller.removeAll(); //Change the image and put everything back together label1 = new JLabel(newIcon); imageScroller = new JScrollPane(label1); layoutBox.add(imageScroller); contentPane.add(layoutBox); //Show your changes resultFrame.repaint();; } }