CISC 498
Information Technology Project

School of Computing

Software Quality Assurance Plan

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The goal of the software quality assurance plan is to lay out the steps you plan to take to ensure the quality of your system. Depending on your application, quality may address areas such as correctness, usability, performance and security. Your plan should identify which quality aspects of your system are the most important, and how you plan to ensure that high quality is achieved.

The goal of this phase of the project is to detail your plan for achieving quality. For example, it is not necessary at this point to include a suite of black box test cases; it is sufficient to specify that you will create such a test suite. Refer to your CISC 327 notes for quality assurance methods and steps.


Your external design document should be about five pages in length, and should contain the following sections:


Briefly remind the reader of the goals of your system, and give an overview of the structure and contents of your software quality assurance plan.


Briefly define what quality means in the context of your system. Specify the key quality requirements that your software quality assurance plan addresses.


Define each software quality assurance task that your group will carry out. Refer to your CISC 327 notes for possible methods and tasks. Define precisely how the tasks will be performed, what methods will be followed and what tools will be used. Example tasks might include unit testing, integration testing, black box testing, usability testing, etc. Each task should be detailed in a separate subsection.

Reporting Mechanisms

Describe how problems will be reported. Describe the workflow of moving from problem report to resolution. List any tools you will use to support this process (e.g., Google docs, Bugzilla.)