CISC499 Projects for Fall 2018/Winter 2019

This list contains 3 project suggestions. Unfortunately, I will not be able to supervise all of these. A maximum of 2 is more realistic.

1. Algorand: A better Bitcoin?

Algorand is a scalable, secure, and decentralized digital currency and transactions platform that overcomes many of the problems of existing cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin [1].

The goal of this project is to explore the theory underlying Algorand and formalize it using techniques from, e.g., CISC 422.

The project is suited for a student with strong interest in distributed algorithms and systems.

[1] Algorand Homepage.

2. Automatic rover control in a leader-follower simulation

Using Unity3D [1], the 3D game development environment, we have developed a simulation scenario in which a rover is to follow another rover at a safe distance. The following rover can be controlled via a socket connection to the Unity simulation [2].

The goal of the project is to develop the automatic control software for the following rover. Any programming language can be chosen (as long as it supports TCP/IP socket communication).

The project is suited for a student with interests in 3D simulation, rovers, and programming languages.

[1] Unity3D Homepage.
[2] MDETools'18 Workshop Challenge Problem Description. Available at

3. Manual rover control in a leader-follower simulation

In the context of the leader-follower rover simulation described above, the goal of this project is to extend the simulation to support two following rovers, and to develop an interface with which each of the following rovers can be controlled manually from, e.g., a smart phone or tablet.

The project is suited for a student with interests in 3D simulation, rovers, and mobile computing.

Last modified: Sat Oct 14 17:39:06 EDT 2017