Part of the School of Computing
at Queen's University, the Parallel
and Unconventional Computation Group is located on the second floor
of Goodwin Hall. 
Our research focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of parallelism, with a particular emphasis on the following themes:
- Fundamental theorems in parallel computation
- Implementations and applications of shared memory models
- Properties of interconnection networks and their algorithms
- Energy-aware computing
- Sensor networks
- Unconventional computing
- Natural computing
Research Projects
Unconventional Computational Problems
Parallel Real-Time Computation
New Paradigms in Parallel Computation
Computing in the Presence of Uncertainty
Quantum Computing
Grid Computing
Distributed Databases
Parallel Bioinformatics
Scheduling Algorithms for Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Bounds on the Complexity of Certain Geometric Transforms
Multiuser Detection in Cellular Basestations
Broadcasting with Selective Reduction as a Model of Parallel Computation
Computing with Optical Pipelined Buses
The Optical Hypermesh: Architectural Properties and Algorithms
Bounds and Algorithms for Cayley Graphs
Parallel Algorithms for Circular Arc Graphs
Paradigms Admitting Superunitary Behaviours in Parallel Computation
An Implementation of Multiple Criteria BSR and its Applications
Communication and Fault Tolerance Algorithms on a Class of Interconnection Networks
The Star Interconnection Network: Properties and Algorithms
Parallel Computation of Weighted Matchings in Graphs
Group Members
Selim G. Akl
Emese Somogyvari
Waleed AlSalih
Robert Benkoczi
Ian Bentley
Kyle Braak
Kevin Brewer
Stefan D. Bruda
Fabio Campioni
Salimur Choudhury
Catherine Maxcy Chow
Brendan Cordy
Francisco de la Parra
Kenny Deng
Fangpeng Dong
Paraskevi Fragopoulou
Kamrul Islam
Tauhidul Islam
Anne Kayem
Chi Kit Lau
Xiaoshuang Lu
Hong Li
Lorrie Fava Lindon
Elodie Lugez
Cameron McKay
Arezou Mohammadi
Naya Nagy
Marius Nagy
Constantine N. K. Osiakwan
Alexandros Palioudakis
Sandy Pavel
Ke Qiu
Geoffrey Seaborn
Amber Simpson
Emese Somogyvari
Ian Stewart
Sylvia Tai
Peter Taillon
Hung Tam
Sami Torbey
Tanya Wolff
Contact Information
School of Computing
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
K7L 3N6
Telephone: (613) 533-6050
(or use the Queen's
electronic phone book
for specific individuals)
Last Updated: March 1, 2016
Page Maintained by: SGA
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Lorraine E. Byerley