Relations Between Schemata-Based Computational Vision and Aspects of Visual Attention

Roger A. Browse


This paper explores relations between aspects of visual attention and the operations of schemata-based computational vision systems. These relations are shown to suggest the requirement for methods which operate towards interpretation without model invocation. A specific mechanism is described which permits interpretation based interaction between information from different resolution levels, but does not rely on model invocation. This mechanism is then used in the examination of some related perceptual phenomena, permitting a more computational view of their operations.

Schemata-Based Vision Systems

An issue of interest to both cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence is the question of how knowledge of a domain of objects can be applied towards visual interpretation. Schemata-based knowledge organizations (Rumelhart and Ortony, 1976; Neisser, 1976) are now being used to address this issue (Freuder, 1976; Havens, 1978; Havens and Mackworth, 1980; Browse, 1980). One distinctive feature of a schemata-based interpretation is the organization of its domain knowledge along "natural" lines. The knowledge is object centered and relies on familiar structuring mechanisms such as component and instance hierarchies.

A domain of knowledge structured in this way is conducive to a recursive cuing mechanism (Havens, 1978): basic image elements act as cues for simple scene objects, which in turn act as cues for more complex objects, etc.

For example; in the domain of line drawings of human-like body forms (Browse, 1980; 1981), a certain configuration of lines may cue a "hand", which in turn cues "arm", which cues "body".

At each level of this hierarchy, objects are described as being composed of simpler objects.

The occurrence of the objects which are required in the description may not be enough, however, to confirm the existence of the more complex object. There are also relations which must be valid among the components. This distinction will be referred to as the distinction between having found the required elements and having met the required relations.

For example, all the required elements may exist to make up an "arm": the "hand", the "upper-arm", and the "lower-arm", but a number of required relations must also hold. The elements must be connected in a certain way, and the angles between the elements must be within certain bounds.

While it is difficult to be certain of the presence of an object on the basis of the required elements only, we shall see that there are special situations in which this information is very valuable. These situations rely on a capability of grouping image elements. During the interpretation process, any element X in the image will have associated with it a set of model possibilities (or labels). This set is simply the set of all objects which are described using X as a required element. In the absence of a means of grouping elements, the interpretation process may deal with the discovery of an element by taking the course of model invocation (or testing). This operation involves selecting one or more of the model possibilities, and testing for their existence by locating the other required elements, and determining the validity of their required relations.

The model invocation approach can provide a dynamic determination of whether the processing procedes top-down or bottom-up (see Havens, 1978). As well it can provide a means of iterative refinement of interpretation and segmentation (see Mackworth, 1978). The operation of model invocation can, however, be costly because it is an exhaustive search over the model possibilities.

On some occasions it may be feasible to delete some of the model possibilities without actually invoking them. This is possible whenever uniform constraining relations can be devised over a type of image element.

For example, if we know that certain lines must be a part of the same object, then the model possibility sets for those lines can be intersected.

Waltz (1972) has shown that such a uniform constraint may be formulated for the interpretation of line drawings of the blocks-world. The result was that Mackworth (1977) has provided a generalization of the use of such network consistency methods in artificial intelligence problems.