CISC 333 Weka Tutorial  -  Part 2

In part 2, we'll cover some of the more advanced features of the Weka data mining package.

Selecting Attributes

Weka also provides techniques to discard irrelevant attributes and/or reduce the dimensionality of your dataset. After loading a dataset, click on the select attributes tag to open a GUI which will allow you to choose both the evaluation method (such as Principal Components Analysis for example) and the search method (f. ex. greedy or exhaustive search). Depending on the chosen combination, the actual time spend on selecting attributes can vary substantially and can also be very long, even for small datasets such as the Iris data with only five features (including the class attribute) for each of the 150 samples. The picture below shows the results for a sample application. It is also important to note that not all evaluation/search method combinations are valid, watch out for the error message in the Status bar. There's also a problem using Discretize while in the preprocessing mode, which leads to false results. If you need to use this filter, you can work around this by using the FilteredClassifier option in the classify menu.

Attribute Selection


Clicking on the classifier tab after loading a dataset into Weka and selecting the choose tab will bring up a menu with a number of choices for the classifier that is to be applied to the dataset. Note that you have 4 options on how to test the model you're building: Using the test set, a training set (you will need to specify the location of the training set in this case), cross validation and a percentage. The achieved accuracy of your model will vary, depending on the option you select. One pitfall to avoid is to select the training set as a test set, as that will result in an underestimate of the error rate.  The resulting model (with a lot of additional information will be displayed after you click on start. What exactly is contained in the output can be determined under options. A sample output for applying the J48 decision tree algorithm to the Iris dataset is shown in the Figure below.

J48 applied to Iris data

One of the things to watch out for is that the confusion matrix is displayed, as this gives a lot more information than just the prediction accuracy. Other useful things are the options showing up when right clicking the results list on the bottom right. For example, this is where you can load and save the models you built, as well as save the results page. Another  fact to keep in mind is that Weka gives hints on how to achieve the same result from the command line: look at what is displayed next to the Choose button and how it changes with the options that you select. This information can also be found towards the top of your results page.


The clustering option is very similar to the classification described above, with a few differences regarding the options you select. For instance, there is an easy way to discard undesired attributes.

Clustering the Iris data

Association Rules

Weka also provides three algorithms to extract association rules from non-numerical data as shown in the picture below.


Opening Databases and URL's

Detailed instructions for loading a windows database into Weka can be found here. Weka also allows a user to select a URL as the source for a datafile (click on Open URL from the preprocess pane) or download data from a database (Open DB from the preprocess pane).


Sometimes it's desirable to run Weka from a command line interface, for example if you want to set up your experiment using a batch file. A tutorial on how to do this can be found here. This page also gives instructions on how to call Weka from Java. Anybody interested in using the CLI should take the time to read through this tutorial.

Examples for using the CLI are :

java  weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove -V -R 1,4 -i trainingFile.arff -o myTrainingFile.arff
This filter removes all but the first and fourth attribute from a dataset stored in a file called trainingFile.arff and stores the result in myTrainingFile.arff

java  weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t myTrainingFile.arff -T myTestFile.arff -U -p 1 > Results.arff
Here, the J48 decision tree is applied to the file myTrainingFile.arff, which was created in the previous step. The test file is specified with the -T option. The results  are redirected from the screen to a file called Results.arff and the options -U and -p 1 are options that determine the specific output form.


The experimenter, which can be run from both the command line and a GUI (easier to use), is a tool that allows you to perform more than one experiment at a time, maybe applying different techniques to a datasets, or the same technique repeatedly with different parameters. The Weka homepage provides a link to a tutorial for an earlier version of the Experimenter, which can be downloaded from here.
If you choose the experimenter after starting Weka, you get the following screen.


After selecting new, which initializes a new experiment with default parameters, you can select where you want to store the results of your experiment by using browse (there are a number of choices available for the format of your results file). You can then change the default parameters if desired ( watch out for the option of selecting classification or regression). For example, you can add more datasets, delete the ones you already selected as well as add and delete algorithms applied to your selected datasets. You can also the type of experiment (cross validation or a percentage split for the training and test set).
The following picture shows the setup for a n 8 fold cross validation, applying a decision tree and Naive Bayes to the iris and labor dataset that are included in the Weka Package. The results are to be stored in an ARFF file called MyResults.arff in the specified subfolder.

Experiment Setup

After running your experiment by selecting Start from the Run tab, your results will be stored in the specified Results file if the run was successful. You then need to load this file into Weka from the Analysis pane to see your results. The picture below shows the Analysis pane after loading the results file for the experiment set up above.

Experimental Results

Knowledge Flow

The knowledge flow is an alternative interface to the functionality provided by the Weka data mining package. It's a work in progress, with additional features not supported by the experimenter, but also lacking some of the experimenter's features. For anybody interested, here is a short introduction, but as of December 2004, there is no tutorial or user manual available yet.

Go back to Part 1 of the Tutorial

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