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CISC/CMPE 422, CISC 835: Formal Methods in Software Engineering

Using NuSMV

Getting NuSMV

The NuSMV model-checker is available at http://nusmv.fbk.eu. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows. Sources are also available. When you download it you are asked to register, but you do not have to give your name if you don't want to (just click on "Do not register"). The website also provides a User Manual and a Tutorial, which are quite useful.

Once installed, you run NuSMV from the command line by typing NuSMV -int your_smv_file.smv.

Editors with NuSMV support

The NuSMV code you will have to write is going to be quite modest in length, so a smart editor with syntax-highlighting etc is not required at all.

If you really want editor support for NuSMV though, here are some options:

Note that I only have tried the first option (emacs) myself, so use the other options at your own risk (and let me know of positive/negative experiences).

Notes on using NuSMV

Last modified: Wed Nov 16 22:44:33 EST 2016