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MODELS'20 Doctoral Symposium

Monday, October 19, 2020

[Home] [Attending] [Presenting] [Format and schedule] [Instructions and advice for video recordings] [Program committee]

The Doctoral Symposium is a well-established and valued part of the MODELS conference series. Its goal is to provide an international forum for doctoral students to interact with their fellow students and faculty mentors working in the area of model-driven engineering. The symposium supports students by providing independent and constructive feedback about their already completed and, more importantly, planned research work. It also aims to introduce and connect PhD students in the field to each other and the larger MODELS community.


The symposium will be held remotely on Monday, October 19 from 9am to 3pm Montreal time, i.e., EDT (GMT-4). Registered participants should be able to access the symposium via the Whova platform. Please see the MODELS'20 web page (tab 'Attending | Venue: Online') for information about how to access and use Whova to attend any part of the conference.


Presenters will receive an email containing a link to a Zoom session that will be used for their presentation. Here is the checklist from the MODELS'20 organizers for the speakers at the satellite events, including the doctoral symposium.

Format and schedule

Video recordings of the presentations have been made available to registered participants of the symposium. Every slot will start with a brief recap (not longer than 5 mins) of the submission. Students are encouraged to use slides for this. The remainder of the slot is devoted to discussing the work and providing detailed, constructive feedback. The PC member leading this discussion is mentioned in parentheses. The discussion at the end provides an opportunity to discuss challenges that PhD students face in general. Students were encouraged submit challenges that they would like to see discussed. Challenges mentioned so far include: Suggestions of other challenges are welcome and encouraged.

Instructions and advice for video recordings

Please follow the instructions below and create and upload a video presentation of your submission. To help you with the preparation, we also provide some pointers to advice, best practices, and tools (based on [1]).

Program Committee

Last modified: Thu Oct 15 2020 09:40:11