Assignment 2: User Interface Design

Report and Video Due Tuesday February 11, 2020; Class Presentation February 13, 2020

In this assignment, you will design the user interface for your project, create a low-fidelity prototype of the user interface, and gain feedback on your prototype with members of your target user group. You will present an 80 second video of your project in class.

Interface Design and Testing

The development of usable software involves design, prototyping, and user testing. In this assignment, you will perform all of these activities.

First, with your group, use ideation (brainstorming) techniques as described in class to develop a design for your system.

Then create a low-fidelity prototype of the system. Most projects will be best served by a paper prototype, but in some instances, a digital prototype may be more appropriate. In either case, the goal is to ceate a prototype quickly that will allow you to perform early testing of the usability of your system.

Finally, test your prototype with at least two members of your target user group. Collect feedback on your design, and develop recommendations for changes.


Please use the following structure for your report.

Title Page (1 page)

The title page should include the title of the project and the names of all group members.

User Interface Design (max 5 pages)

Specify the design of your user interface. Include sketches of the key elements of the user interface.

Usage Scenarios (max 2 pages)

Provide two scenarios to illustrate use of the system.

User Testing (max 4 pages)

This section should report your method, findings and recommendations.

Method: Describe the method you used to perform user testing. Explain the characteristics of the users who performed the testing. Detail the instructions given to the users, and the procedures followed in the testing. Describe how data was captured during the test.

Findings: Describe the key findings from user testing.

Recommendations: Describe changes you plan to make to the user interface to address the findings from your testing.

Class Presentation

You will perform a lightning presentation of your project in class. The presentation will take the form of an 80-second video. One member of your group will talk over the video as it plays in class.

The video should (very quickly!) introduce:

  • Your problem
  • Your user group
  • Your user interface design (via your low-fidelity prototype)

In order for all groups to be able to present in class, I will be very strict about the 80 second time limit. This means that you should practice your talk in advance to ensure you can deliver it on time.

I will combine all of the videos into a single slide deck based on your submissions on OnQ. It will not be possible for me to accept updates after the submission deadline.

To Hand In

Your group submission should be made using OnQ, and should consist of a report and a video.


Your report should be a single document in PDF format. Please use 11 point type, 1.5 line spacing, with 1" margins. There should be one submission for the group.


Your video should be in a file entitled groupNumber.mp4. The video must be in MP4 format, with a resolution of 720p. The video must be compressed to a reasonable size, through application of the Handbrake video conversion tool. The length of the video may not exceed 80 seconds in length. To facilitate class presentations, it is extremely important that you adhere to these specifications.

Peer Review Form

In addition, each group member should submit a peer review form. This should be submitted to the individual peer review assignment submission. Your peer review should be in the form of a PDF document, and must be titled in the form groupNumber-lastName-firstName.pdf.


The assignment will be graded with the rubric provided in OnQ. Please review this rubric while completing the assignment.

© 2020 Nicholas Graham