Assignment 4: Final Submission

Due Friday April 3, 2020

In this assignment, you will complete your project system based on feedback from your user testing in assignment 3. You will develop a three-minute narrated video illustrating the final user interface.

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

Your hi-fidelity prototype should be modified to address user testing reported in assignment 3. The prototype should be extended as necessary to completely implement your system.

As before, while your prototype should implement your full user interface, it may not be necessary to implement the full back-end of your project. If you are unsure what functionality to implement, see the instructor in office hours, or discuss with your teaching assistant.


Please use the following structure for your report.

Title Page (1 page)

The title page should include the title of the project and the names of all group members.

[Optional] Updates (max 1 page)

Describe any important changes since your assignment 3 submission, such as changes to your target user group, problem, or major changes to your application. If there are no such changes, you do not need to include this section.

Problem, User Group, Tasks (max 1 page)

Explain the problem you are addressing. Describe your target user group. List the main tasks that the system is intended to support. (You do not need to provide a full task model, just a list and explanation of the most important tasks.)

Hi-Fi Prototype (max 1 page)

Describe the status of your prototype. List the tools that were used to create it. Detail significant known bugs and any important features that have not been implemented. Explain any known limitations. Specify what device was used for your testing.

Detail any important ways in which your prototype does not provide the operation of a true product, e.g., due to simplifications in the back-end or available data.

List any code packages, art assets, or other parts of your application that were produced by third parties.

You do not need to describe the user interface itself in this section.

Installation Instructions

Provide instructions for how to install and run your provided executable.

What You Would Do Differently (max 1 page)

Describe what you would do differently in this project if you were able to start again, and had as much resources as necessary to complete it.

Lessons Learned (max 1/2 page)

Provide any lessons learned while doing this project that you would like to communicate to future students taking the course.

Narrated Video

Create a video illustrating your system's user interface and use. This video should be approximately three minutes in length.

The video should (very quickly) introduce your problem and your user group. Use approximately 10 seconds for this part.

Your user interface design should be illustrated through usage scenarios. These should show the full scope of operation of the system, as well as its practical use in solving your group's problem.

Unlike your videos used in class presentations, the video should be narrated.

To Hand In

Your group submission should be made using OnQ, and should consist of a report, a video and an executable version of your system.


Your report should be a single document in PDF format. Please use 11 point type, 1.5 line spacing, with 1" margins. There should be one submission for the group. The report should conclude with a group contribution statement, using the template on OnQ.


Your video should be in a file entitled groupNumber-video.mp4. The video must be in MP4 format, with a resolution of 720p. The video must be compressed to a reasonable size, through application of the Handbrake video conversion tool. The length of the video should be approximately three minutes. It is extremely important that you adhere to these specifications.

Executable Version of Project

Your executable should allow me to run your project. Be sure to test the installation instructions you provide in your report to ensure that the instructions are correct and that all required parts of the executable are provided.

You do not need to include your source code.

If your executable system is too large to upload to OnQ, you may include a link to a file-sharing service such as OneDrive. If your system is a web app that you are hosting, simply provide a link to where the web app can be accessed.

You can assume I will have access to standard platforms such as Windows and Macintosh computers and Android and iOS phones.

Peer Review Form

In addition, each group member should submit a peer review form. This should be submitted to the individual peer review assignment submission. Your peer review should be in the form of a PDF document, and must be titled in the form groupNumber-lastName-firstName.pdf. Peer review forms that are late or not in the correct format will not be accepted. Failure to submit a peer review form will result in a grade of 0 for the individual grade portion of this assignment.


The assignment will be graded with the rubric provided in OnQ. Please review this rubric while completing the assignment.

© 2020 Nicholas Graham