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CISC835: Formal Methods in Software Engineering (Fall 2019)


Choosing a project

The projects for CISC835 can be worked on in groups of 1 or 2 students. In general, different kinds of projects are possible, including:


The proposal should describe the problem to be solved or work to be carried out, material or software to be used, together with any challenges and results expected. The length should not exceed 2 pages. The proposal is due Wednesday, November 10 in class. Please use the ACM SIG Proceedings format when preparing your proposal. Templates for Word, Word Perfect, Latex are available here. The proposal is due on Monday, Oct 28.


Project presentations will be held during the week of December 2, 2019.

Please note:

Final report

The report should describe the problem or issue that your project addresses and why it is important. It should describe the work that you have done, and any ideas or insights it is based on. Relevant observations and lessons learnt about the project or any part of it should be included. Finally, the work should be placed into the context of the course and any related work should be sketched briefly. The length should not exceed 10 pages.
Please use the ACM SIG Proceedings format when preparing your proposal. Templates for Word, Word Perfect, Latex are available here.


The project is worth 20% of your overall mark in the course with the following breakdown:

Project presentation schedule

Presentations will take place on Thursday, Dec 5, from 1:30pm to 4pm, in Goodwin 536. Presentations will proceed in this order. Times are approximate.
  1. 1:30-2pm, "Exploration of different versions of Alloy" (Sahil)
  2. 2-2:30pm, "Using Alloy Analyzer to Model a Solution to the Assignments Problem Through the Context of Post-Secondary Roommate Matching" (Robyn)
  3. 2:30-3pm, "Survey of Formal Verification Techniques for Deep Neural Networks" (Rebecca)
  4. 3-3:30pm, "Monitoring Events using the BeepBeep 3 Event Stream Processor" (Isra and Mufasir)
  5. 3:30-4pm, "Higher-Order Model Checking, Program Verification, and Refinement Typing" (Dimitrios)

Tools list

  1. Propositional and predicate logic
  2. Class modeling
  3. Model checking
  4. Other verification and analysis tools
  5. Formal methods for deep learning
  6. Machine learning for formal methods

Last modified: Wed Nov 30 17:17:06 EST 2016