C++ Homework for Week 6. 

Be prepared to demonstrate this program for your TA in your designated tutorial slot in week 7. (That's the week after reading week.)

Over the next few weeks I will be asking you to implement various stages of a Huffman data compression scheme. This week all you have to do is to compute the so called "probabilities" of characters in some text. You need to use file I/O to read in a text file. Reading in characters one at a time you can obtain the occurrence frequency of each character. It will be most convenient if you use your binary search tree to help in computing character frequencies. The probability for any given character is just its frequency divided by the total number of characters in the text. To demonstrate your program print a listing of the characters in the file together with the probability of the character.

Posted: Wed - February 7, 2007 at 12:45 PM          
