Thu - April 19, 2007

Lecture 36. 

No class Good Friday.

Epilogue: It was a fun year, and I sincerely wish that all of you got something lasting out of this course.
All quizzes have been placed in a box in front of the School of Computing General Office, Goodwin- 557, and will be available for pick-up
whenever Goodwin Hall is open.  

Posted at 09:39 AM   Lectures  

Lecture 35. 

Quiz #5. 

Posted at 09:31 AM   Lectures  

Mon - April 2, 2007

Lecture 34. 

I went over solutions to the homework problems for weeks 10 and 11. The solutions are attached in the PDF file below.

Please note: Many students in this class also attend CISC-204, and have a quiz immediately after our quiz #5. It turns out that we can begin a bit early on Wednesday as the class before us has been cancelled. Thus I will come to class at 9:10, and start the quiz at 9:20.

Posted at 12:59 PM   Lectures  

Fri - March 30, 2007

Lecture 33. 

Today I covered the final topic for the term, Skip Lists. I have attached a PDF file of the presentation I gave in class.


Posted at 10:14 AM   Lectures  

Wed - March 28, 2007

Lecture 32. 

Today's topic was about using mergesort to minimize external memory accesses. I have attached a PDF file of today's presentation.


Posted at 10:41 AM   Lectures  

Mon - March 26, 2007

Lecture 31. 

I picked up from where I left off last Friday morning, with a more detailed description of the technique for handling an overflow in a 2-4 tree. I then proceeded to a description of how to implement deletions in a 2-4 tree.

As was mentioned on Friday there are two distinct uses for the multi-way search tree organization, one for small branches as in 2-4 trees, and the other when the branching factor is large. That is the topic of the attached presentation. This explains how the so called B-tree and B+-tree are used to minimize external memory accesses.


Posted at 12:18 PM   Lectures  

Data Structures Homework for Week 11. (last one.) 

This homework asks questions on the topics of B-trees, multi-way mergesort, and skip lists, in preparation for the fifth and final quiz.
See the attached PDF file.


Posted at 09:37 AM   Data Structures Homework  

Fri - March 23, 2007

Readings for Week 11. (Last one.) 

Section 9.3.4 on Mergesort.
Section 3.4 on Skip Lists. 

Posted at 04:03 PM   Readings  

Lecture 30. 

Multi-way search trees lead to efficient data structures for two separate reasons. The so called m-way search tree with small m makes compares favourably with a binary search tree in terms of worst case asymptotic performance. With large m an m-way search tree is useful for searching large collections of data that are stored on slow secondary memory.

I gave a general introduction on multi-way search trees, and then went on to the so called B-tree, and in particular a 2-4 tree. I illustrated through an example how inserts work on a 2-4 tree. I will continue this example on Monday.  

Posted at 03:51 PM   Lectures  

Wed - March 21, 2007

Lecture 29. 

Quiz #4 was written today.  

Posted at 12:11 PM   Lectures  

Mon - March 19, 2007

Lecture 28. 

Today I covered Floyd's one-to-all shortest path problem for directed graphs. Negative edge weights are allowed so long as there are no negative cycles.

I then went over the solutions to the assignments in preparation of quiz #4. The solutions are attached below.


Posted at 12:03 PM   Lectures  

Fri - March 16, 2007

Data Structures Homework for Week 10. 

Ex. 7.5 2, 3, 5, 16. 

Posted at 11:52 AM   Data Structures Homework  

Readings for Week 10. 

Section 7.1 is about multiway search trees. This section runs 50 pages, but you don't have to read all of it.
Read sections 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2 and 7.1.7.  

Posted at 11:49 AM   Readings  

Lecture 27. 

Today we revisited the FWI all-to-all shortest path algorithm. I used the data projector to show a run of the algorithm. A PDF version of the presentation is attached below.

I then returned to the one to all shortest path problem and Dijkstra's algorithm that we started on Wednesday. I began where I left out giving the key points needed to justify the correctness of the algorithm. The algorithm was presented in two forms. One a high level version, that left the actual details some steps of the implementation vague. Using this version I demonstrated the algorithm on a small example graph. I then refined the implementation making use of a min-heap to obtain an efficient running time.

Recall that we assume that the input graph is connected. The conclusions regarding Dijkstra's algorithm drawn by the end of the lecture are:

- Using an adjacency matrix representation of the graph uses Ω(|V|2) time and space.
- A straight forward implementation uses O(|V|2) time.
- If the graph is sparse that is |E| << |V| then
- we can gain efficiencies in space by using an adjacency list representation of the graph yielding O(|E|) space complexity.
- we can gain efficiencies in time with a clever use of a heap yielding O(|E| log |E|) time complexity.
- The algorithm's correctness is limited to graphs (or directed graphs) with non-negative edge weights.


Posted at 11:26 AM   Lectures  

Wed - March 14, 2007

Lecture 26 

Today we saw several graph algorithms. I described two types of graph traversals, depth first, and breadth first. These traversal algorithms have a computational complexity that is proportional to the size of the input when they are implemented with an adjacency list. The different traversals have different uses. We saw one immediate use of breadth first search with respect to finding shortest paths in graphs where all edges have the same weight.

The singles source shortest path problem accepts a weighted connected graph together with a distinguished vertex v0 and reports the weight of shortest paths from v0 to all vertices in the graph. We saw two very easy special cases. For a more general case we are in the midst of developing the so called, Dijkstra's algorithm. The basic idea behind this algorithm is to build a spanning tree that contains all of the requisite shortest paths. The algorithm works on a partition of the vertex set into two subsets U (unknown, or unseen vertices) and T (the shortest path spanning tree). Every iteration of the algorithm moves a vertex from U to T, until the entire tree is built. I will continue with the details of the algorithm and show that by using a heap we can obtain an implementation that runs in O( |E| log |E|) time and O(|E|) space.

Posted at 11:31 AM   Lectures  

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