Lecture 3.Today we continued with the stack
algorithm for the "pillar" problem. We went over the complexity analysis once
again. I also gave a semi-formal argument for why the algorithm works. We also
looked at upper, lower and tight bounds using Big-O, Big-Ω and
Wikipedia is a great source of information. The article on Big-O notation is particularly good. It even has a pointer to an online version of Donald Knuths 1976 paper (typed on a typewriter and scanned!). Tutorial update: There will be no Monday tutorial. I would also like to move students from tutorial A on Thursday morning. If this causes a scheduling conflict then please let me know. The Thursday morning tutorial has not been cancelled yet. NOTE: I have shuffled the TA responsibilities so if you printed or saved the old list make sure you update it. Course Teaching Assistants Yurai Nunez (email: yuraiATcs.queensu.ca) TUT A Thursday 8:30-10:30 Fengpeng Dong (email: dongATcs.queensu.ca) TUT B Tuesday 2:30-4:30 Henry Xiao (email: xiaoATcs.queensu.ca) TUT D Thursday 2:30-4:30 In lieu of the tutorial Michael Xiao (e-mail: huaxiaoATcs.queensu.ca) will hold office hours on Monday afternoons from 2:00-3:30 in room 304, Walter Light Hall. Posted: Thu - January 11, 2007 at 02:13 PM |
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