Lecture 8. 

We continued to see some other combinatorial properties of binary trees today. Then, we moved onto two different implementations of binary trees: as linked structures using pointers and as an array. We found that the implementation using arrays is very convenient when the tree is complete (or near-complete) but wastes too much memory when the tree is a path.
A C++ declaration of a binary tree class was proposed. This declaration was based on pointers and followed the recursive definition of a binary tree. We implemented the method preorder, as an example of depth first search, in a recursive way. Then we sketched how a breadth first search (traversal by levels) would operate using a queue. We left open the questions of how to implement depth first search (preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals) using a stack.

Posted: Wed - January 24, 2007 at 02:08 PM          
