Lecture 26 

Today we saw several graph algorithms. I described two types of graph traversals, depth first, and breadth first. These traversal algorithms have a computational complexity that is proportional to the size of the input when they are implemented with an adjacency list. The different traversals have different uses. We saw one immediate use of breadth first search with respect to finding shortest paths in graphs where all edges have the same weight.

The singles source shortest path problem accepts a weighted connected graph together with a distinguished vertex v0 and reports the weight of shortest paths from v0 to all vertices in the graph. We saw two very easy special cases. For a more general case we are in the midst of developing the so called, Dijkstra's algorithm. The basic idea behind this algorithm is to build a spanning tree that contains all of the requisite shortest paths. The algorithm works on a partition of the vertex set into two subsets U (unknown, or unseen vertices) and T (the shortest path spanning tree). Every iteration of the algorithm moves a vertex from U to T, until the entire tree is built. I will continue with the details of the algorithm and show that by using a heap we can obtain an implementation that runs in O( |E| log |E|) time and O(|E|) space.

Posted: Wed - March 14, 2007 at 11:31 AM          
