Data Structures Homework for Week 2. 

Questions are taken from Adam Drozdek Data structures and algorithms in C++, Course Technology 2005 (3rd ed.), unless otherwise noted.
This homework does not need to be handed in.

Exercises 5.12

2, 3, 11, 14.

Supplemental questions.

1. We saw an algorithm with worst case complexity of O(n2) for the pillar problem. What input would cause the algorithm to realize this worst case?

2. Consider a sequence of n integer values (positive and negative). For concreteness assume that the integer sequence is stored in an array A. The maximum consecutive sub-sequence sum is the maximum value of the sum of a consecutive sub-sequence of A. For example if A is the sequence -2, 11, -4, 13, -5, -2, 6 the answer is 20, that is, 11 + (-4) + 13.
Determine an algorithm that finds the maximum consecutive sub-sequence sum of a sequence of integers. An O(n2) algorithm should be relatively easy to come up with. However, there is a very compact O(n) algorithm.


Posted: Thu - January 11, 2007 at 02:18 PM          
