Data Structures Homework for Week 4.Insert into an initially empty binary
search tree items with the following key values ( in this order ) 30, 40, 24,
58, 48, 26, 11, 13, 25. Draw the final tree.
Now delete 30 from the tree using the deletion by copying method. Draw the resulting tree. Section 6.3 discusses the complexity of searching. The quantities that are used to determine this are internal path length and average path length. These quantities are obtained on page 224 for the worst and best cases for a binary tree. The presentation is quite terse. Your assignment is to use your best abilities to flesh the presentation out. That is supply all intermediate steps to obtain the quantities pathworst and pathbest . The analysis of the expected path length is opaque. I will discuss this a bit in class. However, a detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this course. Posted: Thu - January 25, 2007 at 09:35 AM CISC-235 2007 Data Structures Homework Previous Next |
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