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Beyond Code: An Introduction to Model-Driven Software Development (CISC 836, Winter 2021)


[Home] [Content] [Schedule] [Projects]

Important note
These are the webpages for last term's version (Winter 2021) of the course. For this term's version (Fall 2021), go here.

Choosing a project

The projects for CISC836 can be worked on in groups of 1 or 2 students.


The proposal should describe the problem to be solved or work to be carried out, material or software to be used, together with any challenges and results expected. The length should not exceed 2 pages.

Please use the ACM SIG Proceedings format when preparing your proposal. Templates for Word, Word Perfect, Latex are available here.

Final report

The report should describe the problem or issue that your project addresses and why it is important. It should describe the work that you have done, and any ideas or insights it is based on. Relevant observations and lessons learnt about the project or any part of it should be included. Finally, the work should be placed into the context of the course and any related work should be sketched briefly. The length should be at least 5 pages.

Please use the ACM SIG Proceedings format when preparing your proposal. Templates for Word, Word Perfect, Latex are available here.



The project is worth 40% of your overall mark in the course with the following breakdown:

Presentation schedule

Presentation meetings will be held online using MS Teams. Links will be circulated.

Please note:

Last modified: Fri Apr 09 2021 17:54:06