Events |
Welcome to the ASUS section. Here you can find out COMPSA related stuff going on in ASUS. Your COMPSA Representative to ASUS is Danielle Pace *. |
ASUS General Assembly - February 3rd, 17th, 2005 |
ASUS General Assembly - February 3rd, 17th, 2005 |
Here are the notes from the ASUS Assemblies on February 3rd and February
Also, ASUS is now hiring 2005 ASUS Commissioners:
-Academics Commissioner
-Services Commissioner
-Marketing Commissioner
-Internal Affairs Commissioner
-Society Affairs Commissioner
Applications are currently available at the Core and will be available in
the COMPSA office as well (5th floor Goodwin Hall). The deadline to apply
is 12pm on Friday, March 4th, 2005. Everyone is invited to apply!
Finally, ASUS gives out an annual scholarship for graduating students -
inquire at the Core if you are interested. The deadline to apply is March
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ASUS General Assembly - January 20, 2005 |
ASUS General Assembly - Thursday, November 4th, 2004 |
On November 4th, ASUS held a general assembly for all Arts and
students. The main topic of discussion was deregulation, and Dr.
Silverman, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, was present to
provide information and answer questions. Thanks to all students who came
out to discuss this very important topic. Since all students are affected
by the possibility of deregulation, I've attached my notes from the
assembly. If you have any questions, please email me at
3dfp@qlink.queensu.ca. Also, the minutes and assembly packages from
previous ASUS assemblies will be available on the web at
Notes for this Assembly
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Asus General Assembly on the Rae Review |
The Rae Review is a review of postsecondary education announced by the provincial government of Ontario and headed by the Honourable Bob Rae. The review panel is currently in the process of gathering opinions of all stakeholders in higher education. As students, we must all recognize this opportunity to share our opinions about our education and how it should be funded. If we do not speak out now, we will have missed this great chance to be heard by the provincial government.
ASUS will be holding a general assembly on Thursday, November 4th at 7 pm in Wallace Hall (in the JDUC). I would like to encourage all of you to attend and ensure that your opinion about the Rae Review and deregulation is recognized. This is the only week for ASUS assembly to discuss these very important issues. Even if you are not informed about these issues and do not know where you stand, attending the general assembly will bring you up to speed so that you know what you need to know.
Important websites about the Rae Review:
ASUS is having a remembrance day drive from November 1st to November 10th to raise money for the Royal Canadial Legion. Volunteers are needed to help sell poppies and gather support for this very important cause. Poppies will be sold across campus from 9:30 am to 4:30 am Monday to Thursday and 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Friday. Volunteer time slots will be one hour long, beginning and ending halfway through an hour (for example, 10:30 to 11:30). If you would like to volunteer, please email Eric de Domenico at 4ded@qlink.queensu.ca with:
-Your name
-Your qlink email address
-Your availability
The ASUS remembrance day committee would appreciate any time that you can share, even if you are only available for one day. This is a great chance to start volunteering with ASUS. The remembrance day committee chairs will contact volunteers at the end of this week with a volunteer schedule and an information package. Also, if you cannot volunteer with the committee, please purchase a poppy to show your support.
Thanks a lot, and once again, please email me if you need anything.
Danielle Pace
COMPSA Representative to ASUS 2004-2005
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Danielle's Introduction |
My name is Danielle Pace, and I am your COMPSA representative to ASUS. When COMPSA was ratified to become a official student association last year, we gained a voting seat on ASUS assembly. This year, I'm the person in that seat!
What is ASUS, you may ask? ASUS (the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society) is the representation to the administration for arts, science, con ed, phys ed and COMPUTING. ASUS has five commissions - society affairs, internal affairs, academics, services and marketing. ASUS is also in charge of Mindfind tutoring, ASUS movie theatre, jacket sales, two ASUS camps (Arts Adventure and Science and Computer Discovery) and a lot more.
As your representative, I am completely accountable to you guys. I will
try to get all of your opinions before I vote on your behalf - I will
primarily do this through COMPSA general assembly, but I may send out an email if something important comes up. If you have ANY questions or
concerns about your student government, PLEASE contact me (my email is 3dfp[at]qlink.queensu.ca)*. Also, if you want to get involved with ASUS, drop me a line and I'll help you out.
I would encourage ALL of you to check out the ASUS website at www.asus.queensu.ca. There's a lot of important information there about
available positions and what ASUS is up to. Also, the next ASUS assembly is on Thursday, October 21st - everyone is welcome, so feel free to come if you want to see what ASUS is all about. ASUS assembly is held in McLaughlin Hall in the JDUC - enter the JDUC from Union street, go up the stairs that are at your right, then turn right and it's the big room at
the end of the hall.
Thanks a lot, and once again, please email me if you need anything.
Danielle Pace
COMPSA Representative to ASUS 2004-2005
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