Stephen W. Thomas | Activities
You may have seen me at:
- WCRE 2012 and MUD 2012, where I was a panelist member.
- MSR Vision 2020, where I presented a poster and was a student volunteer.
- ICPC 2011, where I was a student volunteer.
- CSER 2011, where I presented a poster.
- PASED 2011, where I presented a poster.
- MSR 2011 and ICSE 2011, where I presented a paper and a poster, and was a student volunteer.
- AND 2010 and CIKM 2010.
- SCAM 2010, PROMISE 2010, and ICSM
2010, where I presented a paper.
- MSR Summer School 2010, where I presented a poster.
- CICM 2009.
I may have reviewed your paper for:
Professional Affiliations: