08:30 | Welcome and Opening (5 min) |
08:35 | Session 1: Clone detection |
| Chair: Jim Cordy |
08:35 | Full papers (15 min) |
| Index-Based Model Clone Detection |
| Benjamin Hummel, Elmar Juergens and Daniela Steidl |
| Automated Type III Clone Oracle Using Levenshtein Metric |
| Thierry Lavoie and Ettore Merlo |
| Scalable Clone Detection Using Description Logic |
| Philipp Schugerl |
09:20 | Position papers (5 min) |
| Code Clone Detection Experience at Microsoft |
| Yingnong Dang, Song Ge and Dongmei Zhang |
| Towards Flexible Code Clone Detection, Management, and Refactoring in IDE |
| Minhaz Zibran and Chanchal Roy |
| Clone detection through Process Algebras and Java Bytecode |
| Antonella Santone |
09:35 | Discussion (25 min) |
10:00 | COFFEE BREAK |
10:35 | Session 2: Clone analysis and understanding |
| Chair: Nils Göde |
10:30 | Full papers (15 min) |
| Viewing Simple Clones from a Structural Clones Perspective |
| Hamid Basit, Usman Ali and Stan Jarzabek |
| Analyzing Web Service Similarity Using Contextual Clones |
| Doug Martin and James R. Cordy |
| Representing Clones in a Localized Manner |
| Robert Tairas, Ferosh Jacob and Jeff Gray |
11:15 | Position papers (5 min) |
| On the Need for Human-based Empirical Validation of Techniques and Tools for Code Clone Analysis |
| Jeffrey Carver, Debarshi Chatterji and Nicholas Kraft |
| Research in Cloning Beyond Code: A First Roadmap |
| Elmar Juergens |
11:30 | Discussion (30 min) |
12:00 | LUNCH BREAK |
13:30 | Session 3: Clone evolution and management |
| Chair: Stan Jarzabek |
13:30 | Full papers (15 min) |
| Extracting Code Clones for Refactoring Using Combinations of Clone Metrics |
| Eunjong Choi, Norihiro Yoshida, Takashi Ishio, Katsuro Inoue and Tateki Sano |
| Oops! ... I Changed It Again |
| Nils Göde and Jan Harder |
| Is Cloned Code older than Non-Cloned Code? |
| Jens Krinke |
14:15 | Position papers (5 min) |
| How Code Skips Over Revisions |
| Toshihiro Kamiya |
| Determining the provenance of software artifacts |
| Mike Godfrey, Julius Davis, Daniel German and Abram Hindle |
| Visualizing the Evolution of Code Clones |
| Ripon Saha, Chanchal K. Roy and Kevin Schneider |
14:30 | Discussion (30 min) |
15:00 | COFFEE BREAK |
15:30 | Session 4: Tools for clone analysis and visualization |
| Chair: Katsuro Inoue |
15:30 | Tool papers (5 min) |
| VisCad: Flexible Code Clone Analysis Support For NiCad |
| Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Chanchal K. Roy and Kevin Schneider |
| Live Scatterplots |
| James R. Cordy |
| Efficiently Handling Clone Data: RCF and cyclone |
| Jan Harder and Nils Göde |
| CloneDiff: Semantic Differencing of Clones |
| Yinxing Xue, Zhenchang Xing and Stan Jarzabek |
15:50 | Tool demonstrations (30 min) |
16:20 | Session 5: The future |
| Chair: Jens Krinke |
16:20 | Rotating panel discussion - Where next? (40 min) |
| Initial panel members: Abram Hindle, Jan Harder, Chanchal Roy, Thierry Lavoie |
17:00 | Closing (5 min) |