S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks", Wiley-ISTE, ISBN: 978-1-84821-531-3, June 2014.
W. Li, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Rate-Selective Caching for Adaptive Streaming over Information Centric Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2017 (accepted)
F. Khandaker, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “A Functional Taxonomy of Caching Schemes in Information-Centric Networks: Towards Guided Designs”, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2017 (under review)
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Big Sensed Data: Evolution, challenges and a progressive framework", IEEE Wireless Communications, 2017 (under review)
A. Sulyman, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Expanding the Cellular-IoT umbrella: An architectural approach”, IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2017 (accepted ).
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Resilient IoT architectures over Dynamic Sensor Networks with adaptive components", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016
K. Elgazzar, S. Oteafy, W. Ibrahim and H. Hassanein, “RobP2P: Smart Resource Sharing in Mobile P2P Environments”, The Computer Journal (Oxford), July 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Resource Re-use in Wireless Sensor Networks: Realizing a Synergetic Internet of Things”, Journal of Communications, Vol 7, No 7, 484-493, Jul 2012.
F. Al-Turjman, H. Hassanein, S. Oteafy and W. Alsalih, “Towards augmenting federated wireless sensor networks in forestry applications”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, May 2012.
F. Khandaker, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “A Functional Taxonomy of Caching Schemes in Information-Centric Networks: Towards Guided Designs”, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2017 (under review)
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Big Sensed Data: Evolution, challenges and a progressive framework", IEEE Wireless Communications, 2017 (under review)
A. Sulyman, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Expanding the Cellular-IoT umbrella: An architectural approach”, IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2017 (accepted ).
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Resilient IoT architectures over Dynamic Sensor Networks with adaptive components", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016
K. Elgazzar, S. Oteafy, W. Ibrahim and H. Hassanein, “RobP2P: Smart Resource Sharing in Mobile P2P Environments”, The Computer Journal (Oxford), July 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Resource Re-use in Wireless Sensor Networks: Realizing a Synergetic Internet of Things”, Journal of Communications, Vol 7, No 7, 484-493, Jul 2012.
F. Al-Turjman, H. Hassanein, S. Oteafy and W. Alsalih, “Towards augmenting federated wireless sensor networks in forestry applications”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, May 2012.
W. Li, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “On the Performance of Adaptive Video Caching over Information-Centric Networks", IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), May 2017 (accepted)
S. Oteafy, “A Framework for Heterogeneous Sensing in Big Sensed Data", IEEE Globecom, December 2016
W. Li, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “StreamCache: Popularity-based caching for adaptive streaming over information-centric networks”, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), May 2016
K. Ali, T. Javed, H. Hassanein and S. Oteafy, "Non-audible Acoustic Communication and its Application in Indoor Location-based Services", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2016.
S. Aleyadeh, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Scalable Transportation Monitoring using the Smartphone Road Monitoring (SRoM) System", 5th ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications, November 2015.
N. Khelifi, S. Oteafy, H. Hassanein and H. Youssef, “Proactive maintenance in RPL for 6LowPAN”, International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) - Wireless Sensor Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 2015.
W. Li, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Popularity-driven Caching in Information Centric Networks”, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), 8-12 June 2015.
H. Lutfiyya and S. Oteafy, "Convergent paradigms in the internet of things (CT-IoT)". In Proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON), IBM, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Organic Wireless Sensor Networks: A resilient paradigm for ubiquitous sensing", 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), 21-25 September, 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, "Cloud-centric Sensor Networks - Deflating the hype," in IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC) Workshops, Spain, 23-26 June 2014
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Dynamic Resource Reuse Towards Participatory Sensing Network", 27th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, 1-3 June 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Resilient Sensor Networks Utilizing Dynamic Resource Reuse”, International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel), 27-29 April, 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Component-based Wireless Sensor Networks: A Dynamic Paradigm for Synergetic and Resilient Architectures ”, 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Sydney, Australia, Oct. 2013.
K. Elgazzar, W. Ibrahim, S. Oteafy, H. Hassanein, “RobP2P: A Robust Architecture for Resource Sharing in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks,” The 4th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 25-28 June, 2013. (Invited to a Special Issue)
A. Abahsain, A. Al-Fagih, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, "Selective Context Fusion Utilizing an Integrated RFID-WSN Architecture", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan 2013.
A. Al-Fagih, A. El Kouche, S. Oteafy and A. Alma'aitah, “Utilizing RFID-WSNs for Reducing the Footprint of the Oil Sands Industries”, IEEE Globecom '12 Workshop: Green Internet of Things, 2012.
A. Al-Fagih, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “A Pricing Scheme for Porter Based Delivery in Integrated RFID-Sensor Networks”, IEEE LCN ON-MOVE, 6th Workshop On User MObility and VEhicular Networks, 2012.
S. Oteafy, F. Al-Turjman, H. Hassanein, “Pruned Adaptive Routing in the Heterogeneous Internet of Things”, Globecom 2012 - Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, 2012.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Utilizing transient resources in dynamic wireless sensor networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, "Towards a global IoT: Resource re-utilization in WSNs," International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), pp.617-622, Jan. 2012.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “ "Re-Usable Resources in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Linear Optimization for a Novel Application Overlay Paradigm over Multiple Networks," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp.1-5, Dec. 2011
F. Al-Turjman, H. Hassanein and S. Oteafy, “Towards Augmenting Federated Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), 2011 (best paper award)
K. Ali, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Energy-Efficient Parallel Singulation in RFID”, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), pp. 1-5, 2010
S. Oteafy, H. Aboelfotoh, H. Hassanein, "Dynamic Election-Based Sensing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp.1-6, 2009.
S. Oteafy, H. Aboelfotoh, H. Hassanein, "Decentralized Multi-Level Duty Cycling in Sensor Networks," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008 (GLOBECOM), pp.1-5, 2008
S. Oteafy, “A Framework for Heterogeneous Sensing in Big Sensed Data", IEEE Globecom, December 2016
W. Li, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “StreamCache: Popularity-based caching for adaptive streaming over information-centric networks”, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), May 2016
K. Ali, T. Javed, H. Hassanein and S. Oteafy, "Non-audible Acoustic Communication and its Application in Indoor Location-based Services", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2016.
S. Aleyadeh, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Scalable Transportation Monitoring using the Smartphone Road Monitoring (SRoM) System", 5th ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications, November 2015.
N. Khelifi, S. Oteafy, H. Hassanein and H. Youssef, “Proactive maintenance in RPL for 6LowPAN”, International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) - Wireless Sensor Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 2015.
W. Li, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Popularity-driven Caching in Information Centric Networks”, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), 8-12 June 2015.
H. Lutfiyya and S. Oteafy, "Convergent paradigms in the internet of things (CT-IoT)". In Proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON), IBM, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Organic Wireless Sensor Networks: A resilient paradigm for ubiquitous sensing", 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), 21-25 September, 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, "Cloud-centric Sensor Networks - Deflating the hype," in IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC) Workshops, Spain, 23-26 June 2014
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Dynamic Resource Reuse Towards Participatory Sensing Network", 27th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, 1-3 June 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Resilient Sensor Networks Utilizing Dynamic Resource Reuse”, International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel), 27-29 April, 2014.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Component-based Wireless Sensor Networks: A Dynamic Paradigm for Synergetic and Resilient Architectures ”, 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Sydney, Australia, Oct. 2013.
K. Elgazzar, W. Ibrahim, S. Oteafy, H. Hassanein, “RobP2P: A Robust Architecture for Resource Sharing in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks,” The 4th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 25-28 June, 2013. (Invited to a Special Issue)
A. Abahsain, A. Al-Fagih, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, "Selective Context Fusion Utilizing an Integrated RFID-WSN Architecture", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan 2013.
A. Al-Fagih, A. El Kouche, S. Oteafy and A. Alma'aitah, “Utilizing RFID-WSNs for Reducing the Footprint of the Oil Sands Industries”, IEEE Globecom '12 Workshop: Green Internet of Things, 2012.
A. Al-Fagih, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “A Pricing Scheme for Porter Based Delivery in Integrated RFID-Sensor Networks”, IEEE LCN ON-MOVE, 6th Workshop On User MObility and VEhicular Networks, 2012.
S. Oteafy, F. Al-Turjman, H. Hassanein, “Pruned Adaptive Routing in the Heterogeneous Internet of Things”, Globecom 2012 - Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, 2012.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Utilizing transient resources in dynamic wireless sensor networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, "Towards a global IoT: Resource re-utilization in WSNs," International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), pp.617-622, Jan. 2012.
S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “ "Re-Usable Resources in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Linear Optimization for a Novel Application Overlay Paradigm over Multiple Networks," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp.1-5, Dec. 2011
F. Al-Turjman, H. Hassanein and S. Oteafy, “Towards Augmenting Federated Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), 2011 (best paper award)
K. Ali, S. Oteafy and H. Hassanein, “Energy-Efficient Parallel Singulation in RFID”, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), pp. 1-5, 2010
S. Oteafy, H. Aboelfotoh, H. Hassanein, "Dynamic Election-Based Sensing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp.1-6, 2009.
S. Oteafy, H. Aboelfotoh, H. Hassanein, "Decentralized Multi-Level Duty Cycling in Sensor Networks," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008 (GLOBECOM), pp.1-5, 2008
Theses and Technical Reports
Sharief Oteafy, "Global Resource Utilization for Synergetic Wireless Sensor Networks", PhD Dissertation, School of Computing, Queen's University, Canada, 2013.
Sharief Oteafy, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Protocols and Paradigms in Harsh Environments”, Depth paper, 2011.
Sharief Oteafy, “A Decentralized Coordinated Multi-level Duty Cycling Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks”, M.Sc. thesis, Dept. Math. & Comp. Sci., Kuwait Univ., 2007.
Sharief Oteafy, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Protocols and Paradigms in Harsh Environments”, Depth paper, 2011.
Sharief Oteafy, “A Decentralized Coordinated Multi-level Duty Cycling Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks”, M.Sc. thesis, Dept. Math. & Comp. Sci., Kuwait Univ., 2007.
Software Systems
EDWiNS: Event-Driven Wireless Networks Simulator (developed in C)