ELEC 377 - Operating Systems - Fall 2012

Course Schedule:

Note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Week Date Topics Notes
1 Sept 10 - 14 Introduction
System Services
System Calls
Lab 0 exploratory lab
C Tutorial
2 Sept 17 - 21 Concurrent Processes  
3 Sept 24 - 28 Synchronization Quiz on Sept 25

Oct 1 - Oct 5



Lab2 Part 1

5 Oct 8 - 12 Deadlock No lab this week
6 Oct 15 - 19

Program Structure Memory Management Paging

Lab 2 Part 2
Quiz on Oct 16
7 Oct 22 - 26 Memory Management
Virtual Memory
Lab 3 Part 1
8 Oct 29 - Nov 2 Shell Proramming File Systems Lab 3 Part 2
9 Nov 5 - 9 Device Management
Drivers Security
No Class Monday or Tuesday. Lab 4 - Part 1. Quiz Nov 8
10 Nov 12 - 16
Lab 4 - Part 2
11 Nov 19 - 23 Security Unix OS (Linux, BSD)
Historical Perspective
Lab 5 - Part 1
12 Nov 26 - 30 Unix History Lab 5 - Part 2. Class only on Tuesday this week (no Monday or Thursday)

Last updated Oct 2012
Copyright © 2002-2012 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario