ELEC 377 - Operating Systems - Fall 2012


Labs will held in the teaching studio, Beamish-Munro - Room 213: Integrated Learning Center.

The virtual machine from VMWare can be downloaded, but it does require you to register and give them personal information.

Lab environment. Unpacks to a 377 folder.

Lab 0 Files: lab0mod.c lab0user.c Makefile

Lab 1: handout

Lab 2: handout

Lab 3: Handout Files (common.c common.h consumer.c producer.c meminit.c Makefile)

Lab 4: handout

Lab 5: handout (tutorial) Files (client.c selfcomp.c server Makefile)


Last updated Sept 2012
Copyright © 2002-2012 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario