
Activity Grade
Assignments: 4 assignments, equally weighted 90%
Participation 10%
Attendance in class is mandatory as much of the learning in the course occurs through in-class exercises. Extensive absence can result in a deduction of up to 20% of the final grade.

Graduate Student Assessment

In addition to the requirements for undergraduate students listed above, graduate students taking CISC 877 are required to produce a small project. A 1/2 page proposal is due at the beginning of term. A 10-page report on the project is due a tthe end of term, accompanied by an in-class presentation/demo.

Activity Grade
Assignments: 4 assignments, equally weighted 70%
Project (includes report and presentation) 10%
Participation 10%
Attendance in class is mandatory as much of the learning in the course occurs through in-class exercises. Extensive absence can result in a deduction of up to 20% of the final grade.
© 2019 Nicholas Graham