
This course draws on material from several sources. There is no single required text, but if you are serious about the technical side of game development, you should consider adding all of these books to your library. All of these books are available digitally from Amazon, at lower cost than print version.

Jason Gregory, Game Engine Architecture, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2018.

This book gives a good overview of the topics in game engine design.

Ian Millington, Artificial Intelligence for Games, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2019.

This is an outstanding book on AI algorithms for games, forming the foundation of AI engines.

Ian Millington, Game Physics Engine Development: How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game, Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.

An outstanding text on physics algorithms for games.


Unity 2019 is available in the CASLAB. You may also download Unity Personal Edition for your own use on your own computer.

There are many excellent online Unity resources.

For assignment 1, you will need the Eclipse IDE. You can use Eclipse in the CASLAB, or you can download the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers here.


To document software architectures in UML, I recommend the free UMLet UML diagram editor.

© 2019 Nicholas Graham