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BioLINK 2005

Poster Guidelines


   Poster guidelines for the BioLINK05 SIG:
          - The dimensions of a poster should not exceed 4 feet (h) x 8 feet (w).
          - Avoid putting too much material and text on the poster. Use large type and figures that will be readily visible.
          - Posters will be presented between 5:30 and 6:30 on the day of the workshop.
            The poster-boaster session will take place shortly before that.
          - Poster presenters should set up their posters during the lunch and coffee breaks.
          - If you plan to use a single ppt slide for your poster boaster, please send it by email to
            biolink05@cs.queensu.ca no later than June 17!
















Page created by Anirudh Garg, please contact if bugs are found.