Accepted Posters
Text Mining for Evolutionary Biologists:
Simple Tools for Finding Information Relevant to Distinguishing Orthologs
from Paralogs
R. Arens, M. Light
University of Iowa, USA
Presenting Text-Mining Results by
Combining Graphics and Texts
H. Chen, B. M. Sharp
University of Tennessee, USA
Evaluating and Integrating General-English Parsers on
Biomedical Text
A. Clegg
University of London, UK
Mining of Cytogenetic and Genetic Information from the Biomedical Literature
N. Davis, Y. Guo, R. Gaizauskas, G. Demetriou
University Of Sheffield, UK
Protein Family Databases: Text-mining &
A. Divoli, T. K. Attwood
The University of Manchester, UK
Transforming Full-Text Literature to Formalized Facts
Q. Dong, R. Nash, N. Stover et al.
Stanford University, Princeton University, USA
Using Lexical Chaining to Rank
Protein-Protein Interactions in Biomedical Texts
X. He, C. Di Marco
University of Waterloo, Canada
Identifying and Extracting Malignancy Types in Cancer Literature
Y. Jin, R. T. McDonald, K. Klerman, M. A. Mandel, M.
Y. Liberman, F. Pereira, R. S. Winters, P. S. White
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Combination of Genetic Databases Improves Identification
of Genes and Proteins in Text
J. A. Kors, M. J. Schuemie, B. J.A. Schijvenaars, M.
Weeber, B. Mons
Erasmus University Medical Center, Netherlands
Human-Mouse Anatomical Ontology Mapping:
Terminological and Structural Support
S. Luger, S. Aitken, B. Webber
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Extracting Structured Information from
Text and Images in On-line Journal Articles for Localization Proteomics
R. Murphy, Z. Kou, J. Hua, M. Joffe, W.
W. Cohen
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Knowtator: a knowledge based text annotation
P. V. Ogren, L. Hunter
University of
Colorado Health Sciences Center, USA
A Comparative Study for Automatic Zone
Identification in MEDLINE
H. Ran Zhu, H. Yu
Columbia University, USA
Clustering of Protein Sequence Families in MeSH Literature Space
Rechtsteiner, C. E
Strauss, L. M.
Los Alamos National Lab,
USA; Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions using the HIV-1 Human
Protein Interaction Database
Rosario, M. Hearst
University of California Berkeley, USA
BLIMP: Biomedical Literature (and text)
Mining Publications Forum, A Web-Based Resource
H. Shatkay, L. Zheng
Queen's University, Canada
Tokenization of the GENIA Corpus
Y. Tateisi, J. Tsujii
University of Tokyo, Japan
An Investigation of Features for Anaphora
Resolution in Medline Abstracts
M. Torii, K. Vijay-Shanker
University of Delaware, USA
Exploitation of linguistic features using a
CRF-based biomedical named entity recognizer.
T.-H. Tsai, S.-H. Wu, W.-L. Hsu
Academia Sinica; Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
Mapping Ambiguous Gene Symbols to Database
W. Xuan. S. J. Watson, F. Meng
University of Michigan, USA
A Knowledge-Driven Method to Evaluate
Multi-Source Clustering
C. Yang, E. Zeng, G. Narasimhan
Florida International University, USA
Identifying Drug Effects in MEDLINE -
Preliminary Observations with VIOXX as a test case
X. Ying Qiu, P. Srinivasan
University of Iowa, USA Page created by
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