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CISC422/853: Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Computer-aided Verification (Winter 2009)

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Topics to be covered

  1. Introduction, motivation and overview [Hol04 (Chp1)]
    1. The intricacies of parallel programming
  2. Modeling the behaviour of systems [Hol04 (Chp6-7)]
    1. Finite state automata
    2. Non-determinism
    3. synchronous and asynchronous composition
    4. Extensions (e.g., StateCharts, CCS, Petri Nets)
  3. Intro to BIR and Bogor [Bogor web pages]
  4. Intro to Promela and Spin [Hol04 (Chp3,Chp7,App A)] [Spin web pages]
  5. Model Checking, Part 1 [Hol04 (Chp8)]
    1. Computation trees
    2. Random exploration
    3. Guided exploration
    4. Exhaustive exploration
  6. Expressing properties of the behaviour of systems [Hol04 (Chp4,Chp6) and course notes]
    1. Intro to formal specification
    2. Assertions
    3. Invariants
    4. Safety and liveness properties
    5. Regular expressions, Buechi-automata, and never-claims
    6. Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
    7. Computation Tree Logic (CTL) [course notes]
    8. Specification patterns
  7. Model Checking, Part 2 [Hol04 (Chp8) and course notes]
    1. Checking safety properties
    2. Checking liveness properties using Buechi automata
    3. Checking LTL properties
    4. CTL Model Checking [course notes]
  8. Optimizations [Hol04 (Chp8-9)]
    1. Statement merging, state compression, on the fly model checking [Hol04 (Chp8-9)]
    2. Stateless search and Partial order reduction [Hol04 (Chp9)]
    3. Data abstraction
    4. Static analysis and slicing
    5. Predicate abstraction (time permitting)
  9. The Software Model Checking Landscape
    1. Automated model extraction
    2. Counter-example driven abstraction refinement
    3. Modified execution environments