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CISC422/853: Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Computer-aided Verification (Winter 2009)


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An incomplete list of some software model checking tools and projects.

Program analysis tool for Java programs. Developed at Kansas State University. The
Bandera page

Berkely lazy abstraction software verification tool. The
BLAST page

Customizable software model checking tool. Developed at Kansas State University (KSU). The
Bogor page at KSU. The Bogor page at Queen's.

The BOOP Toolkit is based on the work in the SLAM project at Microsoft and uses abstraction and refinement to determine the reachability of program points in a C program. Developed at Technical University of Graz, Austria. The
Boop page

Java PathFinder
Model checker for Java. Developed at NASA AMES. The
Java PathFinder page.

Verification tool for C programs. Developed at CMU. The
Magic page.

Software model checker based on Spin. Modex is a tool that can be used to mechanically extract high-level verification models from implementation level C code. Developed by Gerard Holzmann at Bell Labs. The
ModEx page

Verification tool for C programs. Developed at Microsoft Research. The
SLAM page.

Static Driver Verifier (SDV)
Static Driver Verifier (SDV) is a compile-time tool that explores code paths in a device driver by symbolically executing the source code. Directly based on SLAM. About to be released. The
SDV page

Linear time model checker. Developed at Bell Labs. The
Spin page

Symbolic branching time model checker. Developed at CMU. The
NuSMV page

Automatic testing and state enumeration tool for C and C++ programs. Developed at Bell Labs. The
VeriSoft page

Software model checker developed at Microsoft Research. The
Zing page