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CISC422/853: Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Computer-aided Verification (Winter 2009)

Readings (Lecture slides, tool descriptions, papers)

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Lecture slides

  1. Intro (first used: Mon, Jan 05) [pdf (4up)]
  2. A few words about concurrency (first used: Thurs, Jan 08) [pdf (4up)]
  3. Modeling (first used: Mon, Jan 12; last updated: Thurs, Jan 15) [pdf (4up)]
  4. Intro to BIR and Bogor (first used: Tue, Jan 20) [pdf (4up)]
  5. Model checking I (first used: Mon, Jan 26) [pdf (4up)]
  6. Intro to Promela and Spin (first used: Thurs, Jan 29) [pdf (4up)]
  7. Specifying (first used: Thurs, Feb 5; last updated: Wed, Mar 4) [pdf (4up)]
  8. Model checking II (first used: Thurs, Feb 26; last updated: Wed, Mar 4) [pdf (4up)]
  9. Optimization (first used: Thurs, Mar 5; last updated: Thurs, April 2) [pdf (4up)]
  10. Overview over software model checking tools (first used: Tue, Mar 24; last updated: Thurs, April 2) [pdf (4up)]

Tutorial slides

  1. Tutorial 1 (Jan 28, put together by Scott Grant) [pdf]
  2. Tutorial 2 (Feb 11, put together by Scott Grant) [pdf]
  3. Tutorial 3 (March 25, put together by Scott Grant) [pdf]


  1. Course notes on CTL and CTL model checking [pdf]
  2. Notes on control flow analysis and slicing [pdf]


  1. The Java code for the Ornamental Garden problem is here. More demo concurrent programs in Java can be found on the website for the book "Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs" by J. Kramer and J. Magee.
  2. The shared variable C code is demo1.c and demo2.c.


Last modified: Thu Apr 2 13:14:45 EDT 2009