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Classes | Instructor and TAs | Textbook | Class Topics |
Lecture Notes | Assignments | Tests and Exams | Grading |
Monday 4:30 PM | Tueasday 2:30 PM | Friday 2:30 PM |
Note: The classes meet in two different locations. The Monday and Friday classes meet in Chernoff Hall Auditorium and the Tuesday class meets in Etherington Hall Auditorium. For the locations see campus map
Note: TA office hours begin the week of Sept. 16th.
TA office hours are for tutorial help with the course material and assignments, and discussions of assignment and midterm grading.
If you need additional help, please see the COMPSA web pages.
Author/Creator:Rosen, Kenneth H. Title:Discrete mathematics and its applications / Kenneth H. Rosen, formerly AT&T Laboratories. Edition:Eighth edition. Published:New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, 2019. ©2019.
Class note outlines will be posted on the lecture notes page.
Note: The purpose of the posted outlines is to assist you in taking notes in class. Reading the posted notes is not a substitute for attending the classes. In particular, most of the examples we go over in class are not included in the posted outlines.
The assignment questions (and their solutions after the due date)
will be posted
on the assignments page.
If the submission consists of several pages, the pages must be
stapled together.
Note: You are asked to write your assignment solutions
using non-erasable pen (or to type the solutions). Solutions written
in pencil or erasable ink will be marked, but they will not
be considered for remarking after the assignments are returned.
If you have questions concerning assignment marking, you should
discuss them with the TA who did the marking
within one week
from the time when the marked assignments are made available.
All assignment marks are considered final after that time.
The final exam will be held during the regular fall term
final examination period. The final is a 3 hour closed book exam.
You may bring
one 8.5" x 11" sheet containing notes
and use it during the final exam.
Note: The components of this course will receive numerical marks
that will be used to calculate a percentage final grade, as
explained above. The final grade you receive for the course
will be derived by converting your percentage grade to
a letter grade according to Queen's official grade conversion
The School's web page at
and the pages to which it links, are part of this syllabus.
There will be 4 sets of assignments, due by 2:30 PM on the
following Thursdays:
September 26, October 10, November 7, November 28.
The assignments must be based on individual work.
Each assignment is worth 8% of your course mark.
Rules of the assignments:
If you cannot attend the office hours
of the particular TA,
please fill out the
form here. Place the
form and your assignment
in an envelope and hand it to the instructor in class
or to any of the TAs within
one week after the marked assignments were returned in class.
Late Assignment Penalty
All late assignments should be submitted into the same locked CISC-203
drop-off box on Goodwin hall second floor (near rooms 233, 241).
Tests and Exams
There will be a 40 minute midterm test
during the class hour on
The midterm is a
closed book test. You may bring with you
one 8.5" x 11" page of notes and use it during
the midterm test.
Your grade is calculated as follows (with the two modifications
listed below):
(4 assignments, each 8%)
Final exam
Calendar description for CISC-203
Proof methods. Combinatorics: permutations and combinations,
discrete probability, recurrence relations.
Graphs and trees. Boolean and abstract algebra.
Goals of the course
Learning Outcomes
A course learning outcome is a brief statement of a skill, competency, or attitude a successful student will
achieve by the end of a course. The following list of learning outcomes for CISC 203 is provided by the
School of Computing. (http://www.cs.queensu.ca/students/undergraduate/outcomes/CLO.php)
Accommodations Statement
Queen's University is committed to achieving full
accessibility for persons with
Part of this commitment includes arranging academic
accommodations for students with
disabilities to ensure they have an equitable opportunity
to participate in all of
academic activities. If you are a student with a disability
and think you may need
you are strongly encouraged to contact Student
Wellness Services (SWS) and register
as early as possible. For more information,
including important deadlines, please
visit the Student Wellness
website at: http://www.queensu.ca/studentwellness/accessibility-services/
Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances
The Senate Policy on Academic Consideration for Students
in Extenuating Circumstances
was approved in April, 2017. Queen's University is
committed to providing academic consideration to students
experiencing extenuating circumstances that are beyond
their control and which have a direct and substantial impact on their
ability to meet essential academic requirements.
Each Faculty has developed a protocol to provide
a consistent and equitable approach
in dealing with requests for academic consideration
for students facing extenuating circumstances.
Arts and Science undergraduate
students can find the Faculty of Arts and Science protocol
and the portal where they submit a request at:
Students in other Faculties and Schools should refer to the protocol for their home Faculty.